Adobe product uninstall script generator :3

This tool generates powershell scripts for intune or GPO to uninstall Adobe products with the official Adobe uninstaller.

You can find the code to setup the uninstaller at the bottom of the page!

To run on intune put the script into ps1s and upload as remediations, for GPOs put the rem script only into a logon script.

A list of software and its latest versions

Detection Script

Remediation Script

Create bulk script for uninstalling

Use the toggle options below to select the products you want to uninstall with their versions, then click the button to generate the script.

Bulk Detection Script

Bulk Remediation Script

Setting up the uninstaller

The uninstaller can be downloaded from the Adobe FTP server. The following script will download the uninstaller and move it to "C:\Program Files\Adobe Uninstaller\AdobeUninstaller.exe"

Can be a remediation on intune (love Remediation :3) or a logon script for GPOs ig, or like, however else you push scripts to your fleet.

Detection (for intune)

Remediation/install script